15 Natural Remedies For Psoriasis
When a flare-up happens please use these remedies for treatment.
Cedric Jackson

Psoriasis is an uncomfortable condition in which skin cells grow rapidly on top of one another. This results in scaly patches on the skin that may be extremely itchy. Unfortunately, there’s no permanent cure for psoriasis.

It may flare up seemingly without warning or you might be able to identify one of your triggers. However, there are many ways to provide relief and possibly shorten the length of a breakout — even in your own home. However, these should always be used in combination with a doctor’s advice since some types of psoriasis can lead to more serious health conditions.

1. Sunlight


Sunlight can help clear up a psoriasis outbreak, but don’t overdo it — too much sun can make your skin worse. It’s recommended to start out with five to 10 minutes of sun in the middle of the day. Make sure to wear sunscreen, as sunburn could irritate the skin further.

2. Aloe Vera Gel


Aloe Vera is used for dozens of skin conditions, so it’s no surprise that it’s also beneficial for psoriasis. The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends a cream rather than the plant itself and says that it’s best to use one that contains at least 0.5 percent aloe.

3. Petroleum jelly

So Long Psoriasis
So Long Psoriasis

Moisturizer is the name of the game when it comes to treating psoriasis, as the skin cells become thick and dry. You want to hydrate the skin and then lock moisture in. Petroleum jelly is the perfect way to do this. Many people say it brings them relief from symptoms.

4. Moisturizer

Everyday Health
Everyday Health

Moisturizing creams and lotions are the first line of defense against psoriasis, reducing discomfort and itch while making skin less red and irritated. Keep an eye out for a cream that is thick and free of perfume. The best is usually one that’s marketed as “for sensitive skin.”

5. Apple cider vinegar


There haven’t been any studies done to illustrate the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar against psoriasis. However, many people who have this skin condition say they find that it temporarily relieves their symptoms. It should not, however, be used on broken skin.

6. Salt baths


Long baths or showers aren’t recommended during a psoriasis outbreak since they can dry the skin out more. But bathing in Epsom salt or sea salt can improve moisture levels and provide relief from symptoms like itching and burning. Just pay attention to your symptoms — if you’re uncomfortable, stop your bath or switch to doing salt dressings instead.

7. Capsaicin

Everyday Health
Everyday Health

You might not think the compound that gives peppers their kick would be good for sensitive skin, but studies from back in the 80s show that capsaicin is effective at treating psoriasis outbreaks. However, it may also cause burning and stinging upon application, though some people reported those symptoms lessen over time.

8. Turmeric

Medical News Today
Medical News Today

Initial studies have shown that turmeric, a colorful spice used frequently in Middle Eastern cuisine, may have both anti-psoriatic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can find turmeric in capsules or pills.

9. Tea tree oil


You don’t need to apply this oil directly to your skin. This may be particularly soothing for people who have scalp psoriasis, which causes itching and pain under the hair. You can find it in many kinds of shampoo.

10. Oatmeal


Oatmeal baths have long been used to use to soothe irritated or itchy skin. To get relief from the itching, pour a couple of cupful’s of ground-up oats into warm — not hot — water. Overly hot water can cause additional skin dryness and irritation.

11. Plastic wrap


This may make you raise an eyebrow, but plastic wrap around the affected part of your skin can help lock in moisture and rehydrate your skin. Slather your skin in lotion first and add some tight clothing on top of the plastic wrap.

12. Omega-3 fatty acids

Medical News Today
Medical News Today

There hasn’t been a lot of research done on the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on psoriasis, but initial research shows that fish oil may help with the symptoms. However, people taking blood thinners should not take an omega-3 supplement.

13. Oregon grape


Oregon grape is found in certain creams and may help calm the immune response that causes psoriasis outbreaks. Initial studies show that it’s a safe and effective remedy for this condition.

14. Mediterranean diet

Medical News Today
Medical News Today

There has only been one small study on the effects of a Mediterranean diet on psoriasis. But it concluded that the diet, which is high in oils, fish, and vegetables, may reduce some of the symptoms.

15. Exercise

Everyday Health
Everyday Health

Some types of psoriasis may put you at risk of complications like obesity and heart disease. For this reason, it’s good to incorporate an exercise regimen into your daily life. Some psoriasis outbreaks may be linked to stress, which exercise can also help reduce.

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