Here’s what your sleeping position reveals about your personality
These are unnervingly accurate.
Jonathan Maes

Not everybody sleeps the same way, and it seems like everyone out there has a preferred sleeping position. Of course, you just have to go with what you’re most comfortable with.

You should know, though, that science also has a lot to say about the way you’re sleeping.

For example, your sleeping position is actually correlated to your personality in more ways than you might think.


So how many sleeping positions are there, exactly? Scientists have narrowed it down to 19.

They are the following, in no particular order:

1. Back to Back (touching)
2. Back to Back (not touching)
3. Chasing Spoon
4. Cliffhanger
5. Cradle
6. Face to Face (Touching)
7. Face to Face (Not Touching)
8. Fetal
9. Leg Hug
10. Loose Spoon
11. Paper Dolls
12. Shingles
13. Soldier
14. Spoon
15. Starfish
16. Stomach Snooze
17. Tangle
18. Tetherball
19. Unraveled Knot


We all know that sleep is absolutely vital and important, both for your physical and your mental wellbeing. A good sleep schedule and pattern will reduce your chances of getting ill or getting major health issues, give you a better mood, reduce stress, and gives your body time to heal, preventing injuries.

What your bed body language says about you


According to scientists in numerous studies, these classic sleeping positions can reveal a whole lot about one’s personality. You might even be surprised by how accurate they are!

1) Both knees sticking out


This half-fetal position with your knees bent at an angle and sticking out is definitely one of the most popular sleeping positions out there. This position indicates that the person is calm and reliable, and also quite positive and not very fearful. Whatever life has in store for you, chances are you’re able to adjust just fine.

2) Fully curled up


In this full fetal position, you’re almost completely tucked in. Scientists believe these people often feel misunderstood, and the fetal position is a way of protecting themselves. These people tend to create a barrier for their environment and want other people to sympathize with them.

3) On your stomach


People who sleep on their stomachs, with limbs sticking out, tend to have all the characteristics to be a natural leader. These people will usually be the first to take initiative, in order to have order in their lives, both professionally and in their personal life. Stomach-sleepers are simplistic, responsible, and ambitious.

4) Soldier position


When you look at this sleeping position, it reminds you of a soldier at attention. Sleeping on your back, with both arms to the side, but one of them is usually on your pillow. Scientists have found that these people tend to be better-adjusted and strict, and also are quite hard on themselves.

5) Flat on your back


Another classic position, and one of the most popular ones out there. People who sleep flat on their back often have a very strong personality and don’t mind being in the center of attention. Lying is something you can’t stand, and you often use rationality when making decisions. These people are also quite sociable and positive.

6) Heron position


This position looks like a heron, with one bent leg and one straight leg. The heron position correlates with people who often feel adventurous. However, it’s also linked to characteristics such as stability and peace. Decision-making isn’t your forte, and you’re more susceptible to mood changes.

7) Completely on your side

This position is also called “sleeping like a log” when you can fall asleep completely on your side. According to research papers, these sleepers are social, trusting, easy-going, and also get along well with strangers. The downside is that you also tend to be a tad gullible.

8) Completely freestyle


What does it say about someone when they don’t have a regular sleeping position? Freestyling and switching up occurs most with people aged between 35 – 44, and these people also don’t have a strong favorite position. There aren’t a lot of scientifically relevant correlations for this category, although some might definitely relate to the characteristics of certain sleeping positions.

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